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Jeska Onderwater is an artist, singer-songweaver, poet, mystic, yoga teacher, creative workshop & ceremony leader from the Netherlands, currently based in Luxembourg. Fascinated by the beauty of the natural world, the magic of creative expression and the mysterious journey of life she creates and shares from and for the heart.


After the successful release of her debut album 'All Is One' in 2019, she has continued to write new music based on her experiences of living a life in which she follows and trusts the direction of her heart. 'The Circle of Remembrance' is Jeska's second self-released studio album in collaboration with wonderful musicians from around the world.


Jeska completed a Bachelor in Arts and Culture (BA) at Maastricht University which gave rise to her desire to make a change in the world in a creative way. She has been composing and singing songs since she was a child, although her songwriting only really started with the arrival of her first guitar. Her interest in yoga and mantra singing was sparked on her travels through Ecuador, Indonesia & India and yoga soon became a regular practice that enriched her life and enabled her with a precious tool for personal growth. 


In her classes, workshops & retreats and with her music she facilitates a process of connecting with the voice of your soul. She uses music, poetry, creative writing, gentle bodywork, dance and vocal exploration as tools to peel off the layers that keep us from hearing the whispers of our heart.  Her workshops and circles always contain a mixture of different disciplines. She believes that creativity and spirituality are complementary and encourages participants to explore their unique combination of the two.



Dutch - native/proficient level**


English - high/proficient level**


German - intermediate level**


French - intermediate level**


Spanish - intermediate level*


Portuguese - intermediate level*



*Translation to this language during projects is possible

** Translation to and/or bilingual guidance is possible in this language



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